Thursday, April 30, 2009

# 34 Online Answer Sites

I found the articles about the future of the library reference desk really interesting. Currently I work in a junior high so we don't have a typical reference desk. We work with individual students when the need arises but also work with whole classes teaching research skills.
The article that hit home was “The Future of the Reference Desk”. It gave the problems and benefits of our current situation. I think that the online answer websites have a place. Just like any information on the web you need to look for bias. I looked at yahooanswers and found some good information and some junk as well. Some of the other websites asked questions but also seemed to ask the opinion of the answerers.
We should try to design our media programs to offer the user an easy way to find the answers to their questions. This could be done in email, in person, by phone or in a live chat form. I see this area of service changing a lot as technology changes.

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Pamela Manders's Dewey Decimal Section:
915 Geography of & travel in Asia
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