Wednesday, April 16, 2008

# 21 Other Social Networking Sites

I had never heard of Ning, Gather or webjunction. I joined the 23 things group and started my own page. It was nice to see the pictures of others participating in the same group. I could see this being very positive for a teacher at the high school level developing a class with a social networking element. I am going to check tomorrow to see if any of these are blocked at the student level. We currently block MySpace and Facebook.

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My Name In Dewey Decimal

Pamela Manders's Dewey Decimal Section:
915 Geography of & travel in Asia
Pamela Manders = 6135213144589 = 613+521+314+458+9 = 1915

900 History & Geography

Travel, biographies, ancient history, and histories of continents.

What it says about you:
You're connected to your past and value the things that have happened to you. You've had some conflicted times in your life, but they've brought you to where you are today and you don't ignore it.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

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