Wednesday, April 16, 2008

#23 Reflect

I really enjoyed the experience. If you were to offer it again I would definitely participate. I learned so much and connected with a community that I learned a lot from. I have used flickr for so many things over the last 2 months. I use it to share photos of my kids, my new egress window, everything. I never knew it existed before this project. It's one of the tools that I will return to again and again, now that I know they're out there.


Ms. Charlton said...

What a fabulous whirlwind finish! Now to keep the blog adventure going....

23 Things said...

Congrats on finishing all 23. Glad you found a tool you like to use and will continue to use! Stay tuned for more on a stick in fall or winter.


My Name In Dewey Decimal

Pamela Manders's Dewey Decimal Section:
915 Geography of & travel in Asia
Pamela Manders = 6135213144589 = 613+521+314+458+9 = 1915

900 History & Geography

Travel, biographies, ancient history, and histories of continents.

What it says about you:
You're connected to your past and value the things that have happened to you. You've had some conflicted times in your life, but they've brought you to where you are today and you don't ignore it.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

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